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CAST Contributor Spotlight: Nora Rochel

There are jewelers who cast and then there are jewelers who CAST. Nora Rochel is one of the latter.

Rochel is a maker who capitalizes on casting's ability to capture texture and plasticity of form to create pieces that would not be possible by other means. 

Rochel's modern approach to botanical forms isn't overly sweet or old-fashioned - rather, it boldly captures the diverse nature of plants and gardens. These sculptural pieces of jewelry seem to come from another world yet the forms feel familiar. 

Her acknowledgement of floral imagery's potential to become saccharine, nostalgic, and sentimental and her conscious choice to avoid those traps is evident in her design decisions. Her interest in herbalism and its mysticism combined with her appreciation for the complexity and infinite variety in plant life shines through in her creations. 

Casting, it can be argued, allows these interests to be expressed in a bold and vital way - the surfaces are rich and varied, the forms are fluid and almost baroque in some ways, and the textures she captures make the pieces feel like they are of-the-earth.

Check out more of Nora Rochel's work HERE